Monday, March 23, 2009
Baby Time at 39 Weeks!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
38 Weeks Spent on Bed Rest!
What a week! I got to spend this past week on our couch! The only time I got a chance to get out was when I had a doctor's appointment. I had a non stress test on Monday, an appointment and non stress test on Thursday and an ultrasound on Friday! I have never been as happy as I was about going to the doctor than this week. I had many visitors this week while I was at home- the Murphy's from next door, my parents, Katie Byers (loved the lasagna Katie), Shelby and Will Scott (thanks for the chicken and fruit salad), my aunt Nancy, Summer Oostra, and mother in law Gale. Thank you for the visits! They really meant a lot! The phone calls were also very nice!
My aunt Nancy took me to the doctor on Thursday. When the nurse was getting me ready for the non stress test, the nurse asked me to hold the clicker and to press it every time the baby moved. Nancy started to laugh as I grabbed it. After looking at her for a few seconds, she said, "I'll take baby names that start with 'O' for $300 please!" She was mocking Jeopardy since I was holding the clicker. It was a pretty funny moment, which I needed since I was nervous about the appointment. I got to see Dr. Yonker and after the check up she mentioned that I hadn't dilated yet! I was bummed out but I was 80% effaced. Her next question was when did I want to be induced next week! I was in shock, of course, but she decided it would be best for me and the baby to be induced as soon as possible at 39 weeks due to the hypertension. Therefore, I will be admitted at Mary Immaculate on Monday, March 23rd at 4 p.m., but I won't be induced until Tuesday morning. We could possibly see and meet Baby Obo on Tuesday or Wednesday! We are so excited... and a little scared, but we know God will be with us as well as family members. The ultrasound on Friday told us that Baby Obo is currently 6 lbs. and 8 oz. He is a very good size and he could gain up to 5 more ounces before he is born. However, the size of his head is in the 86th percentile! Yikes! The tech said it was a good thing and nothing to worry about! Easy for her to say!
I can't believe this is really happening... it seems like yesterday we were telling people we were expecting. I feels like the longest yet shortest 9 months! We really want to thank all of our family and friends who have supported and prayed for us. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. I will post some pictures and write before we head off to the hospital. Thank you again and God bless!
Friday, March 13, 2009
37 Weeks and what a week it is!
What an eventful week! I went to my routine visit at the doctor's office and found out that my blood pressure was a little too high. The doctor checked everything and decided that I will be on bed rest until the baby is delivered. I was hooked up to the fetal monitor and Obo kept kicking the monitor! The nurse had to strap it on and it was fun to see him moving around. I had contractions every 4 minutes, but they didn't hurt. I'm sure it won't stay that way for long! Shelby drove me home from the doctor's office and my mom stayed with me over night. Chris was at a business meeting in Georgia! What great timing!
I stayed with my aunt Nancy during the day on Thursday and I was starting to get headaches. I was also feeling very hot in my face so I called the doctor. She suggested I go to Mary Immaculate to be on the safe side. My blood pressure was up and I stayed there about two hours and the blood pressure went down. Baby Obo is healthy and his heart rate was great.
Today (Friday) I went back to the doctor to get some lab work done and to check my blood pressure. It has gone down some and I lost 2 lbs. This was great news since it shows that the bed rest is helping with the blood pressure. They took some blood to check my liver and kidney function and we will get the results Monday. I will remain on bed rest until Obo arrives since it is working. Also, Dr. Yonker looked over my chart and said that she would like for me to make it to 39 weeks and then I can be induced next Monday March 23rd! I am so excited to know that we may have a baby within the next 10 days! Thank you for your prayers and we will keep you posted!
Monday, March 9, 2009
36 Weeks!
We have reached 36 weeks! I went to the 36th week appointment and everything looks well. I haven't gained any weight and I measured well for this point in the pregnancy. Obo is in "position" but I haven't effaced or dilated yet. Everything looks good and the next appointment is this Wednesday for my 37th week appointment... so, right now Obo is full term!
This past Saturday my mom, aunt Nancy and April threw a shower for the baby. It was a golf theme shower and it was awesome. Nancy made a golf cart cake with tee and golf ball cupcakes. I will post pictures soon! The cake was amazing with the license plate saying, "JJ&TNFN"! It was great seeing all of my family members and friends and I appreciate all of you taking the time to come to the shower!
I will post pictures later this week of the shower and give an update on the 37 week appointment! God bless!
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