It's a boy! I know we said that we weren't going to find out, but we changed our minds! We had the ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday afternoon and it felt like the day took forever. To include my students, I had them make predictions on what they thought the baby would be on Wednesday morning. Most of the boys wanted the baby to be a boy and the girls of course wanted the baby to be a girl. As I pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office, I looked over and saw the Breedens! We both had appointments at the same time! It was great talking to them in the office since Chris and I were both so nervous and EXCITED! The tech was checking the baby's brain, heart, and spinal cord developments and everything measured perfectly. While she was looking at the spine, the baby arched his back and Chris started to point to the screen. He got so excited and started pumping his arms. I didn't know what Chris was getting so excited about and then the tech told us we were having a boy! Wow, I can't describe the feeling when she told us. I thought it was a boy at the start of the pregnancy, but then started to think it was a girl. I thought for sure she was going to say a girl until Chris started to "point things out." So far we have a health baby boy and the measurements came out normal. As of right now, the baby weighs 11 ounces. After we found out, we bought some balloons that you see Chris displaying at the top (Yes, I was around balloons! For those of you who don't know, I have a fear of balloons!). We went to my parents house to tell them the news. When I brought the balloons in, my parents were SO excited. They kept repeating, "You're having a boy?!?!" Finally, we have a boy on my side of the family so it's weird to hear about a boy! We called my sister and she was extremely excited.... she said it was a boy from the beginning. We also called Chris's parents and sisters to tell them. They were excited as well. The next day I took the balloons to school and put them next to the white board where the students had their morning assignment written. It was awesome to see their expressions as they came in to see that the baby is a boy. A lot of them even commented on the fact that I had the balloons in the room and I wasn't freaking out! Thank you for reading this long blog. God is awesome and we give Him praise for the wonderful news! Thank you for your prayers and thoughts and God bless!
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited!!! I can't believe you found out!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear about his room!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
Boys are fun! Trains, cars, wrestling with daddy, and sweet love for their mommies! Congrats! Julie
Thank you for your comments! We are SOOOO excited as well! How is the Y Julie? :0)
Great pic of the daddy-to-be. :) Great blog; great balloons. Congrats, congrats, congrats, all over again . . . the best is yet to be!!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhh im so happy for you two. CONGRATS!!! your in my prayers and your going to be an AMAZING mommy
Lil B<33333
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