Benjamin is a half a year old! He is getting bigger and bigger everyday. We had a great appointment with Dr. Baust and Benjamin continues to do well. Benjamin has grown quite a bit in length going from 25-50th percentile to the 75th! Dr Baust stated that Benjamin is projected to be 6 feet 2 inches tall when he gets older.... yikes! He can wait to grow that tall! Benjamin will definitely get his height from the Owenby side of the family.
We are enjoying all of the new milestones Benjamin is accomplishing. He has been sitting up for a while now but wasn't able to get in the sit up position from laying down. However, he just started sitting from a laying position all by himself in past few days. It seems like he doesn't have any fear... he will sit in your lap one second and trying to dive off your lap the next. He gets into everything and is becoming more and more mobile... oh boy! He is trying to crawl but gets frustrated. His most favorite thing to do is eat! He loves his food and can feed himself Puffs and hold his bottle.
Over the past month I have gotten Benjamin involved in a play group that meets every Monday morning at First Baptist called First Friends. He loves to play with the other kids. We do circle time together, sing songs, complete a craft and enjoy a snack. During circle time a couple of weeks ago we sang "Rise and Shine" and as we sang we lift our children up in the air. Every time I lifted Benjamin he would laugh SO loud. I really enjoy these times together with Benjamin and I am so thankful I get to stay at home with him. We are still trying to get into a routine as far as the week goes since I am now working part time at gymnastics and at Liberty Baptist teaching 3 year olds. Sometimes I work three days a week and other weeks I work one day, but the great thing is I get to bring Benjamin with me to church when I work.
We are looking forward to the next month since Fall is here! Football time, leaves changing color, pumpkins and the holidays are right around the corner. We can't wait for Benjamin to experience the upcoming season and spend time with friends and family.
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